A new treatment for hair loss has been lately recommended and applied, the so-called PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma). This is based on using plasma that is rich in platelets and taken out of the patient’s own blood, i.e. this is a form of autologous mesotherapy..

PRP contains a wide range of nutrient elements and growth promoters that form part of the plasma and the platelets and has been applied in recent years with great success in the following areas:
  1. In vascular surgery for healing chronic ulcer and recumbency,
  2. In orthopedics for the treatment of sport injuries,
  3. In aesthetic dermatology in order to prevent aging and to refresh the skin etc.

Platelets are a rich source of growth promoters, that is, special proteins which activate:
  • Cell proliferation and renewal
  • Activation of prospective stem cells at the skin of the scalp,
  • Cellular metabolism,
  • The creation of new vessels resulting in an increase in perfusion and in the renewal of hair follicles.


PRP offer great assistance to hair follicles through the following mechanisms:
  1. It delays the aging process of follicles
  2. It improves the quality of the tissues surrounding hair follicles
  3. It contributes to the avoidance of disturbances in the metabolism of hair follicles
  4. It reduces the aggravating factors that speed up the pace of hair loss
  5. It suspends the effect of aggravating factors
  6. It acts as an anti-inflammation agent in cases of pathological conditions of the scalp

To conclude, PRP achieves restricting and delaying hair loss and strengthens the metabolism of hair follicles. The results of PRP treatment are becoming obvious within 2-3 months and usually the improvement circle is completed within 6-7 months.

The most important thing is the absolute safety that the treatment provides, since it does not present any side effects as compared to all the other suggested treatments.